Install guide

Looking to get set up with Wavebreaker and start submitting your scores? Well, you're in the right place!

Method 1: Installer (Recommended)

This is probably the simplest method, you just have to click a few buttons and let the installer do all the work for you.


  • A machine with Windows 10 or newer, Linux (tested on Arch) or macOS (untested)
  • (Windows only) WebView2. This should be included with Windows 11 and any recent-ish versions of Windows 10. If the installer doesn't launch, you might be missing this, so download it from Microsoft and install it.
    Note: Since WebView2 shares files with Microsoft Edge, if you've uninstalled Edge, the installer won't work. Sorry, use Method 2.

How to

  1. Download the installer and run it.
  2. If you get a warning from SmartScreen, click "More info" and then "Run anyway". The installer isn't a virus! Signatures are expensive and it's not been downloaded often enough to be trusted automatically.
  3. The rest should be self-explanatory, let the installer guide you.
  4. Have fun!

Method 2: Manual

So, you want to get set up manually, for whatever reason? Sure thing!


  • The ability to find Audiosurf's install location
  • The ability to extract a .zip file

How to

  1. Download the client package.
  2. Navigate to your Audiosurf install location.
  3. (Only applicable if upgrading from v1) Delete files from the older version of the hook, if present. These are:
    • engine\channels\Wavebreaker-Hook.dll
    • engine\Wavebreaker-Hook.ini
  4. Copy the contents of the previously downloaded .zip file into the game's "engine" folder. If it asks you to replace RadioBrowser.cgr, confirm it. This is needed for Audiosurf Radio.
  5. Launch the game and enjoy!

Frontend for Wavebreaker, a reimplementation of Audiosurf's online services.

We are NOT affiliated with Dylan Fitterer or Audiosurf LLC, this is an unofficial project!